For some homeowners, the water that comes out of their taps is anything but clean and clear. In fact, it can be downright rusty looking. This is because iron is a naturally occurring element in water, and it can cause all sorts of problems for your home. From staining your fixtures to clogging your pipes, iron can become a nuisance. That's why it's important to remove iron from your water supply, whether it's well water or city water. Not only will it improve the look and taste of your water, but it will also extend the life of your plumbing, be better for your health and save you money in the long run.
Iron is found naturally in the earth's crust and is often released into groundwater through the process of weathering. When rainwater seeps through the ground, it dissolves minerals like iron, which can then end up in your water supply. It's important to note that there are two types of iron found in water: ferrous and ferric. Ferrous iron is soluble and usually not a problem, while ferric iron is insoluble and can cause all sorts of issues.
If you've ever noticed rusty stains on your clothing or fixtures, then you know one of the effects of iron in water. But did you know that it can also cause problems with your plumbing? Over time, iron deposits can build up in your pipes and clog them completely. Not to mention, it can give your water an unpleasant taste and smell. In high enough concentrations, iron can even pose a health hazard.
Iron in your water can have serious
health consequences if the concentration is high enough. Ingesting iron in water can lead to stomach pain and nausea, while prolonged exposure has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Young children are particularly susceptible to adverse health effects from iron in their drinking water, as they absorb more of it than adults. If you suspect iron in your water, it's best to do a test
The best way to remove iron from your water is with a whole-house filtration system that has been specifically designed for this purpose. At Aqua Solutions, we offer a variety of filtration systems that can remove iron from your water supply, leaving you with clean, clear water that's safe for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Contact us today to learn more about our products or to schedule a free in-home water test.
Gary Monks has led Aqua Solutions since 1997, earning recognition as a water treatment expert with 25 years of experience. Renowned in Butler, he has won the Best Water Treatment award for three years and actively supports the community, including local sports and radio engagements.
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